A Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body – City Bikes for IWA Employees



A Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body - City Bikes for IWA Employees



HSL (Helsinki Regional Transport Authority) has been renting out city bicycles for a few years here in Helsinki, Finland. These extremely popular bikes have now once again flooded the city streets following the exceptionally warm Finnish spring.

These bikes have quickly become a first class choice for work commutes because of their ease-of-use. HSL has been granting "Workplace that moves” certificates to employers who facilitate smart work commutes. City bikes are a part of this campaign. Getting around by bike is not only beneficial to health and a sporty alternative but also a green and eco-friendly way to commute.

IWA has taken bicycle riding to heart and we have offered our employees a chance to use the HSL city bikes for free for the second year running. This way we are empowering our employees to use the cheapest, most healthy and most eco-friendly way of transportation to work and to meetings. We were honoured with the “Workplace that moves” certificate from HSL last year.

We have also investigated the movement and exercise behaviours of our employees. We have made strides to promote environmentally and physically wise commutes. In addition to that we have also afforded special attention to work ergonomics and healthiness in our work environment by offering height adjustable electric tables for example. Showers and dressing rooms in our offices promote brisk walks, bicycle rides or even running as alternatives to work commutes.

We also have freely usable pink IWA bikes in our Helsinki office to aid travelling to and from meetings. These can also be used for work commutes. Coupled with the fact that our employees can use their work breaks to play table hockey with their colleagues, we are fairly certain that our employees’ minds and bodies stay fresh and spry at all times. It’s just as the old saying goes: a healthy mind in a healthy body